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Inform­a­tion accord­ing to § 5 TMG

Peer­ox GmbH
Tuebinger Str. 10
01189 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49 351 41 88 11 80

USt.-IdNr.: DE325156173
HRB 39035 Amts­gericht Dresden

Gen­er­al Man­agers: Andre Schult und Markus Windisch

Web­design & Development:

marken­team wer­beagen­tur gmbh
Koen­ner­itz­str. 3
D‑01067 Dresden

Stuben­rauch­str. 22
D‑12161 Berlin

Con­tent liability

As a ser­vice pro­vider, we are respons­ible for our own con­tent on these pages in accord­ance with gen­er­al legis­la­tion pur­su­ant to Sec­tion 7 (1) of the Ger­man Tele­media Act (TMG). Accord­ing to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, how­ever, we are not oblig­ated as a ser­vice pro­vider to mon­it­or trans­mit­ted or stored third-party inform­a­tion or to invest­ig­ate cir­cum­stances that indic­ate illeg­al activ­ity. Oblig­a­tions to remove or block the use of inform­a­tion under the gen­er­al laws remain unaf­fected. How­ever, liab­il­ity in this regard is only pos­sible from the point in time at which a con­crete infringe­ment of the law becomes known. If we become aware of such infringe­ments, we will remove this con­tent immediately.

Link liab­il­ity

Our offer con­tains links to extern­al web­sites of third parties, on whose con­tents we have no influ­ence. There­fore, we can­not assume any liab­il­ity for these extern­al con­tents. The respect­ive pro­vider or oper­at­or of the pages is always respons­ible for the con­tent of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for pos­sible leg­al viol­a­tions at the time of link­ing. Illeg­al con­tents were not recog­niz­able at the time of link­ing. How­ever, a per­man­ent con­trol of the con­tents of the linked pages is not reas­on­able without con­crete evid­ence of a viol­a­tion of the law. If we become aware of any infringe­ments, we will remove such links immediately.


The con­tent and works cre­ated by the site oper­at­ors on these pages are sub­ject to Ger­man copy­right law. The repro­duc­tion, edit­ing, dis­tri­bu­tion, and any kind of exploit­a­tion out­side the lim­its of copy­right require the writ­ten con­sent of the respect­ive author or cre­at­or. Down­loads and cop­ies of this site are only per­mit­ted for private, non-com­mer­cial use. Inso­far as the con­tent on this site was not cre­ated by the oper­at­or, the copy­rights of third parties are respec­ted. In par­tic­u­lar, third-party con­tent is iden­ti­fied as such. Should you nev­er­the­less become aware of a copy­right infringe­ment, please inform us accord­ingly. If we become aware of any infringe­ments, we will remove such con­tent immediately.


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