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More than just a job

Your start with us

Unfor­tu­nately, we cur­rently have no vacan­cies.

Fur­ther­more, we always keep our eyes and ears open. After all, we want to remain select­ive in the interest of our team. There­fore our motto is:

Bet­ter the right Peer at the wrong time than the wrong Peer at the right time.

We wel­come every unso­li­cited applic­a­tion and the desire to get to know each oth­er. Down below you can read why a job at peer­ox is more than just a job. To get an impres­sion of what our goals are with our Peers and what we require for accom­plish­ing them, you can find a few of the last calls for applic­a­tions here:

Get­ting to know each other

Recruit­ing process

We take a lot of time to find the right peers (= employ­ees). Moreover, it is import­ant to us that not only your pro­fes­sion­al hard skills fit, but also that we fit your needs. If both of us have aroused our mutu­al curi­os­ity, we would like to get to know you through relaxed con­ver­sa­tion in a small group. There­fore, we would like to find out what drives you. We are also inter­ested in what you have always wanted to do. Fur­ther­more we are inter­ested in what per­son­al goal we can help you to achieve. After­wards, we’ll pair you up with our respect­ive sub­ject mat­ter experts and let you tap into each other’s pro­fes­sion­al expertise.

Onboard­ing process

Togeth­er we will dis­cuss the fol­low­ing ques­tions: What do we need? What are you look­ing for? What can you help us with? What can you learn from us? Then, if we feel like col­lab­or­at­ing togeth­er would be a good idea, we would like to invite you to spend a day at Peer­ox. On this way you can exper­i­ence our atmo­sphere and look behind the scenes.

If everything matches up, you will be part of this excit­ing, great jour­ney. At this point, you will be assigned a ment­or. We’ve also developed a fun onboard­ing pro­cess that will take you through our realm in small steps. We will intro­duce you to your col­leagues, and give you a taste of the core tools and projects.

How we work

Guid­ing principles

In addi­tion to pro­fes­sion­al hard skills, it is very import­ant to us that our goals and val­ues fit togeth­er. We offer a lot of free­dom (e.g. unlim­ited paid vaca­tion) and self-real­iz­a­tion. This in turn is com­bined with a high level of respons­ib­il­ity towards our col­leagues and our cus­tom­ers. Nev­er­the­less, not every­one is made for that. That’s why we have set down our ideas in our guid­ing prin­ciples.

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