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We are Peerox

Des­pite ever-increas­ing auto­ma­tion in pro­duc­tion plants, exper­i­enced employ­ees are indis­pens­able for an effi­cient pro­duc­tion pro­cess. With their unique cog­nit­ive, motor and visu­al skills, humans are far super­i­or to many tech­nic­al solu­tions. How­ever, due to demo­graph­ic change and high employ­ee turnover, many oper­at­ors lack the neces­sary exper­i­en­tial knowledge.

We digit­ize exper­i­ence know­ledge and make it usable for every­one with our self-learn­ing assist­ance sys­tem for machine oper­at­ors MADDOX. Our mis­sion is to sup­port the exchange among col­leagues (peers), to doc­u­ment exper­i­en­tial know­ledge (oper­at­or exper­i­ence) and to make it auto­mat­ic­ally retriev­able accord­ing to the situ­ation. This doesn’t only achieve a new level of pro­duc­tion effi­ciency; with MADDOX, com­pan­ies can also make bet­ter use of the great poten­tial of their employ­ees and arm them­selves against employ­ee turnover and demo­graph­ic change. The vis­ion of a work­ing world char­ac­ter­ized by con­tinu­ous train­ing and appre­ci­ation drives not only our product devel­op­ment, but our entire company.

We are Peerox

Des­pite ever-increas­ing auto­ma­tion in pro­duc­tion plants, exper­i­enced employ­ees are indis­pens­able for an effi­cient pro­duc­tion pro­cess. With their unique cog­nit­ive, motor and visu­al skills, humans are far super­i­or to many tech­nic­al solu­tions. How­ever, due to demo­graph­ic change and high employ­ee turnover, many oper­at­ors lack the neces­sary exper­i­en­tial knowledge.

We digit­ize exper­i­ence know­ledge and make it usable for every­one with our self-learn­ing assist­ance sys­tem for machine oper­at­ors MADDOX.

Our mis­sion is to sup­port the exchange among col­leagues (peers), to doc­u­ment exper­i­en­tial know­ledge (oper­at­or exper­i­ence) and to make it auto­mat­ic­ally retriev­able accord­ing to the situ­ation. This doesn’t only achieve a new level of pro­duc­tion effi­ciency; with MADDOX, com­pan­ies can also make bet­ter use of the great poten­tial of their employ­ees and arm them­selves against employ­ee turnover and demo­graph­ic change. The vis­ion of a work­ing world char­ac­ter­ized by con­tinu­ous train­ing and appre­ci­ation drives not only our product devel­op­ment, but our entire company.

Advis­ory Board Part­ners

CEO & Founder

Andre Schult

Tel.: +49 351 41 88 11 81

CTO & Founder

Markus Windisch

Tel.: +49 351 41 88 11 82

Sys­tem Integration

Alex­an­der Petrenz

Sys­tem Integration

Chiara West­ph­al

CEO & Founder

Andre Schult

CTO & Founder

Markus Windisch

Sys­tem Integration

Alex­an­der Petrenz

Sys­tem Integration

Chiara West­ph­al

Fin­ance & Controlling

Manuela Schult

Tel.: +49 351 41 88 11 84

Soft­ware Development

Hen­ning Schindler

Pro­ject Management

Mar­ie Bennack

Tel.: +49 351 41 88 11 89

Soft­ware Development

Willi Son­topski

Fin­ance & Controlling

Manuela Schult

Soft­ware Development

Hen­ning Schindler

Pro­ject Management

Mar­ie Bennack

Soft­ware Development

Willi Son­topski

Sys­tem Integration

Kon­stantin Koehring

Soft­ware Development

Chris­toph­er Farsbotter

Soft­ware Development

Domin­ik Waurenschk

Sys­tem Integration

Kon­stantin Koehring

Soft­ware Development

Chris­toph­er Farsbotter

Soft­ware Development

Domin­ik Waurenschk

Soft­ware Development

Jakob Schade

Pro­ject Management

Wie­land Strauss

Soft­ware Development

Franka Schloess­er

Sales & Marketing

Aron Heiden­reich

Soft­ware Development

Franka Schloess­er

Pro­ject Management

Wie­land Strauss

Soft­ware Development

Jakob Schade

Sales & Marketing

Aron Heiden­reich

Your Start With Us!

For our vis­ion we are look­ing for inquis­it­ive peers. Who we are look­ing for, what we offer, and where the jour­ney is headed, you can find here.

Here you will also find our guid­ing principles.

Sup­port­ers and Partners

A very import­ant part of our cor­por­ate philo­sophy is to always cooper­ate with the best. Instead of devel­op­ing everything ourselves and in secret, we are con­stantly look­ing for mean­ing­ful part­ner­ships. We are con­vinced that many (crit­ic­al) views and com­pet­en­cies provide the devel­op­ment speed and product optim­iz­a­tion needed to real­ize our vision.

Advis­ory Board

We have the great for­tune to be sup­por­ted by an advis­ory board of exper­i­enced entre­pren­eurs and sci­ent­ists from all rel­ev­ant indus­tries. With its help, stra­tegic decisions are con­sidered from dif­fer­ent angles and con­flict situ­ations are resolved. Hav­ing access to such a wealth of exper­i­ence is a great asset for Peer­ox. In addi­tion, the quarterly advis­ory board meet­ings are a good oppor­tun­ity to take a reg­u­lar break from the dynam­ic day-to-day busi­ness and review the company’s own strategy for the future.

André Pinkert

Founder & CEO queo GmbH

Ron­ald Claus von Nordheim

Founder & CPO watttron GmbH

Dr. Lukas Oehm

Group Man­ager Digit­al­iz­a­tion and Assist­ance Sys­tems Fraunhofer IVV Dresden

Dr. Stefan Hennig

Chair “Mark­t­platz I4.0 e.V.”
Head of Product & AI ACP Gruppe

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mari­us Brade

Founder & CEO Mind-Objects GmbH
Pro­fess­or­ship Media Inform­at­ics (FH Dresden)

André Pinkert

Founder & CEO queo GmbH

Ron­ald Claus von Nordheim

Founder & CPO watttron GmbH

Dr. Lukas Oehm

Group Man­ager Digit­al­iz­a­tion and Assist­ance Sys­tems Fraunhofer IVV Dresden

Dr. Stefan Hennig

Chair “Mark­t­platz I4.0 e.V.”
Head of Product & AI ACP Gruppe

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mari­us Brade

Founder & CEO Mind-Objects GmbH
Pro­fess­or­ship Media Inform­at­ics (FH Dresden)


User Exper­i­ence & User Inter­face Design

We have had a close and pro­fes­sion­al work­ing rela­tion­ship with since 2018. Our devel­op­ment began only with an idea and a small budget. Nev­er­the­less, the col­leagues from Tyc­lipso were cap­tiv­ated by our vis­ion, and put incred­ible ambi­tion and com­mit­ment into the pro­ject. With a lot of patience and cre­at­ive ideas, the first soft­ware mockups emerged from the col­or­ful images in the founders’ heads. This allowed our sys­tem to be clearly presen­ted to poten­tial users and decision-makers, which led to the first pilot pro­jects with innov­at­ive industry part­ners. In the mean­time, pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware has been developed in cooper­a­tion with Tyclipso.

User Exper­i­ence & User Inter­face Design

We have had a close and pro­fes­sion­al work­ing rela­tion­ship with since 2018. Our devel­op­ment began only with an idea and a small budget. Nev­er­the­less, the col­leagues from Tyc­lipso were cap­tiv­ated by our vis­ion, and put incred­ible ambi­tion and com­mit­ment into the pro­ject. With a lot of patience and cre­at­ive ideas, the first soft­ware mockups emerged from the col­or­ful images in the founders’ heads. This allowed our sys­tem to be clearly presen­ted to poten­tial users and decision-makers, which led to the first pilot pro­jects with innov­at­ive industry part­ners. In the mean­time, pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware has been developed in cooper­a­tion with Tyclipso.

Pub­lic Relations

For us, Peer­ox is more than just a soft­ware com­pany. Rather, it is an ambi­tious ven­ture to make our dream of a ful­filling job in a great team and the vis­ion of a digit­al­ized work­ing world with people at the cen­ter come true. This requires excep­tion­al employ­ees, cus­tom­ers and part­ners. People who share a com­mon philo­sophy and believe in mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. At marken­team Wer­beagen­tur GmbH, we’ve found just such cre­at­ive minds, who work with us to com­mu­nic­ate this vis­ion clearly to the out­side world and inspire the right people to fol­low our path.

Pub­lic Relations

For us, Peer­ox is more than just a soft­ware com­pany. Rather, it is an ambi­tious ven­ture to make our dream of a ful­filling job in a great team and the vis­ion of a digit­al­ized work­ing world with people at the cen­ter come true. This requires excep­tion­al employ­ees, cus­tom­ers and part­ners. People who share a com­mon philo­sophy and believe in mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. At marken­team Wer­beagen­tur GmbH, we’ve found just such cre­at­ive minds, who work with us to com­mu­nic­ate this vis­ion clearly to the out­side world and inspire the right people to fol­low our path.

Food for Thought toward Cre­at­ive Solutions

Qilmo sup­ports us in find­ing solu­tions in dif­fer­ent areas with clev­er meth­ods around Design Think­ing. For example, togeth­er we have developed an inter­act­ive work­shop to ana­lyze the pro­duc­tion-rel­ev­ant inform­a­tion flows of our (poten­tial) cus­tom­ers. This enables us to under­stand the cus­tom­er-spe­cif­ic bound­ary con­di­tions in much great­er detail as early as the acquis­i­tion stage, and to cre­ate inde­pend­ent added value through com­pre­hens­ive pro­cessing; even if MADDOX does not prove to be a suit­able solu­tion in every case.

Food for Thought toward Cre­at­ive Solutions

Qilmo sup­ports us in find­ing solu­tions in dif­fer­ent areas with clev­er meth­ods around Design Think­ing. For example, togeth­er we have developed an inter­act­ive work­shop to ana­lyze the pro­duc­tion-rel­ev­ant inform­a­tion flows of our (poten­tial) cus­tom­ers. This enables us to under­stand the cus­tom­er-spe­cif­ic bound­ary con­di­tions in much great­er detail as early as the acquis­i­tion stage, and to cre­ate inde­pend­ent added value through com­pre­hens­ive pro­cessing; even if MADDOX does not prove to be a suit­able solu­tion in every case.

Start-Up Help­ers and Companions

In the begin­ning, our first rough ideas for MADDOX often didn’t trig­ger any­thing but skep­ti­cism. With dresden|exists it was dif­fer­ent. Sebasti­an Löbelt-Friedrich listened to us and recog­nized the vis­ion behind our barely struc­tured and partly incom­pletely thought out con­tent. In the elab­or­a­tion of our EXIST research trans­fer applic­a­tion, he mer­ci­lessly put his fin­ger into the open wounds again and again with great per­son­al com­mit­ment and vari­ous night shifts, and showed us the weak points in our plans. Pain­ful weak points, which we as idea-lov­ing founders would have gladly ignored or over­looked. Without this intens­ive, hon­est sup­port, we would prob­ably nev­er have received start-up fund­ing. Today, we con­tin­ue to enjoy work­ing with the dresden|exists team, and reg­u­larly attend its start-up events.

Start-Up Help­ers and Companions

In the begin­ning, our first rough ideas for MADDOX often didn’t trig­ger any­thing but skep­ti­cism. With dresden|exists it was dif­fer­ent. Sebasti­an Löbelt-Friedrich listened to us and recog­nized the vis­ion behind our barely struc­tured and partly incom­pletely thought out con­tent. In the elab­or­a­tion of our EXIST research trans­fer applic­a­tion, he mer­ci­lessly put his fin­ger into the open wounds again and again with great per­son­al com­mit­ment and vari­ous night shifts, and showed us the weak points in our plans. Pain­ful weak points, which we as idea-lov­ing founders would have gladly ignored or over­looked. Without this intens­ive, hon­est sup­port, we would prob­ably nev­er have received start-up fund­ing. Today, we con­tin­ue to enjoy work­ing with the dresden|exists team, and reg­u­larly attend its start-up events.

Research & Development

In addi­tion to the basic soft­ware, numer­ous addi­tion­al func­tion­al­it­ies are planned along an R&D roadmap in close cooper­a­tion with the Fraunhofer IVV Dresden, and are already in the devel­op­ment­al stages.

In the area of oper­at­or assist­ance sys­tems, work is cur­rently being car­ried out on the fol­low­ing top­ics, among others:

Research & Development

In addi­tion to the basic soft­ware, numer­ous addi­tion­al func­tion­al­it­ies are planned along an R&D roadmap in close cooper­a­tion with the Fraunhofer IVV Dresden, and are already in the devel­op­ment­al stages.

In the area of oper­at­or assist­ance sys­tems, work is cur­rently being car­ried out on the fol­low­ing top­ics, among others:

Option­al extern­al optic­al and acous­tic sensors can be used to record con­di­tions (espe­cially at crit­ic­al points) in even great­er detail. Research is being con­duc­ted into the (re)detection of move­ment anom­alies of the products or work­ing ele­ments of the machine. Fur­ther inform­a­tion on the pro­ject: Optic­SAM

Digit­ized con­tent enables the use of auto­mated trans­la­tion tools (e.g., DeepL), thereby sig­ni­fic­antly lower­ing lan­guage barriers.

Exper­i­en­tial know­ledge is also required for effi­cient and safe oper­a­tion in setup and main­ten­ance pro­cesses. For this reas­on, the IVV Dresden is research­ing the use of tech­no­lo­gies in this area as well.

For more inform­a­tion please vis­it: c/oSAM

Using mobile devices is a chal­lenge, espe­cially with pro­tect­ive equip­ment and in noisy envir­on­ments. For this reas­on, research and devel­op­ment is look­ing at innov­at­ive input options using speech and gesture.

Research is being con­duc­ted into the descrip­tion of states by human dia­log beha­vi­or using the case-based reas­on­ing (CBR) meth­od, among oth­er meth­ods. The pro­ject Cooper­at­ive Human-Machine Dia­log (KoM­M­Dia) is a BMBF-fun­ded cooper­a­tion project

  • The Pro­fess­or­ship Pro­cess Con­trol Engin­eer­ing (TU Dresden),
  • The Pro­fess­or­ship Engin­eer­ing Psy­cho­logy (TU Dresden),
  • The Fraunhofer IVV Dresden,
  • The Thee­garten-Pactec GmbH & Co. KG,
  • TheAu­gust Stor­ck KG,
  • The Elco Auto­ma­tion GmbH sowie
  • The JR Chocol­ate Fact­ory GmbH.

For more inform­a­tion on the pro­ject, please vis­it: KoM­M­Dia

Experts from a wide range of spe­cial­ist areas (domains), such as sales staff, design engin­eers, work sci­ent­ists, com­puter sci­ent­ists or design­ers, all par­ti­cip­ate in the devel­op­ment of a com­plex sys­tem. In the iter­at­ive devel­op­ment pro­cess, they all gen­er­ate con­tent which in turn is required as a basis for oth­er developers and must be passed on to them.

The Smart Work­bench addresses this prob­lem. A new meth­od is being developed that reverses the paradigm of sep­ar­ately dis­tinct inform­a­tion plat­forms and devel­op­ment work­flows as well as inform­a­tion flows real­ized via inter­faces that are famil­i­ar from the state of the art.

In order to be able to work with free hands while using the soft­ware, tech­no­lo­gies such as aug­men­ted real­ity are very prom­ising. How­ever, the hard­ware is cur­rently hardly suit­able for every­day pro­duc­tion use. The cre­ation of digit­al con­tent is also cur­rently still time-con­sum­ing and cost-intens­ive. Solu­tions to these prob­lems are being researched in the c/oSAM pro­ject, among others.

Net­work­ing to high­er-level plan­ning and con­trol sys­tems (MES/ BDE) enables great­er integ­ra­tion of pro­duc­tion admin­is­tra­tion and use of know­ledge from production.

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