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Home Office Spe­cial – Bali Edition

A work-life adven­ture report by Eric Mann.

As an employ­ee (peer) at Peer­ox, you already enjoy a lot of free­dom – even more as a work­ing stu­dent who works part-time – and most of all when you also work remotely on a per­man­ent basis. You occa­sion­ally come up with crazy ideas, such as vis­it­ing a friend on a three-week trip to Bali.

When I asked the founders Andre and Markus wheth­er this trip was the­or­et­ic­ally pos­sible (in my first week of work, mind you) and they both said yes with a bit of humor, the idea became real­ity. I booked the flight and about a month later I arrived at my first des­tin­a­tion: Cang­gu. Thanks to a few con­veni­ently loc­ated pub­lic hol­i­days and lec­ture times (which I was for­tu­nately also able to com­plete online), I only had a few work­ing days ahead of me in the first week.

Due to the time dif­fer­ence of 6 hours, I had until 2 pm to pur­sue vaca­tion activ­it­ies, such as swim­ming in the pool, explor­ing the city or lying in the sun. From then on, I hid from the hot mid­day sun until the even­ing and was then ready for events and the occa­sion­al after-work drink in the even­ing. This rhythm got me through the first week very well. The wifi did­n’t cause any prob­lems in the first accom­mod­a­tion either, so I was able to relax and get on with my work.

We moved from island to island in some­times lar­ger and some­times smal­ler groups and I was able to go about my daily routine in a relaxed manner:

  • trav­el­ing in the morning
  • work­ing hours
  • events in the evening

My per­son­al high­light of the trip was the dream beaches of Gili Trawan­gan, where you could not only learn to surf but also swim with turtles among the cor­al. The island of Nusa Pen­ida with its beau­ti­ful veget­a­tion and nat­ur­al fea­tures, such as the T‑Rex island, was also well worth a visit.

My con­clu­sion: Above all, it was a spe­cial exper­i­ence that rarely hap­pens. I am there­fore very grate­ful to Andre and Markus for pla­cing such trust in me from the very begin­ning and allow­ing me to go on this trip.

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