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Pro­ject Man­ager (m/f/d)

“Spezi without bubbles”

At Peer­ox, we focus on our employ­ees (=peers) – both our own and those of our cus­tom­ers! Pas­sion and motiv­a­tion through per­son­al devel­op­ment are inher­ent to our basic pur­pose, and we imple­ment both in our product and com­pany devel­op­ment. This requires a very spe­cial kind of per­son – and that is exactly what we are look­ing for!

What is our goal for you?

We want to make you an out­stand­ing pro­ject manager.

Your Import­ance For The Team

You take the pos­i­tion of our cus­tom­er in our team. That means you under­stand where the shoe pinches and how much. Thus help our team to pri­or­it­ize the tasks cor­rectly, and con­sequently make our product bet­ter and bet­ter. Finally, you can put your­self in oth­er people’s shoes and find cus­tom­er-ori­ented solu­tions with the avail­able resources.

Our Swiss Army Knife

You have built up a broad net­work in dif­fer­ent domains. For every ques­tion you know someone some­where in the world who can help you. You can lead, motiv­ate, and guide people. This makes you a role mod­el, paves the way for new peers with your own strategies, and is an essen­tial part of the Peer­ox suc­cess story. You mas­ter your highly dynam­ic, excit­ing work life with many busi­ness trips, clear sched­ules, and spon­tan­eous fire­fight­ing mis­sions with a ter­rif­ic work-life bal­ance. You take your breaks and are able to organ­ize your­self and others.

The Clock Generator

Along with our grow­ing Peer­ox, you will be able to equip inter­na­tion­al pro­duc­tion sites world­wide with MADDOX. It is no prob­lem for you to keep an eye on a large num­ber of open sites. With the help of learned meth­ods and a lot of exper­i­ence, you will imme­di­ately recog­nize where which action is neces­sary. You are not the driv­en one, but rather the clock gen­er­at­or, and thus the con­duct­or of a large orches­tra that ensures that people all over the world can and want to work with MADDOX.

What do we need for this?

Pro­ject Man­age­ment Experience

Your task is to intro­duce MADDOX as a tool into the every­day life of our cus­tom­ers and users. This requires some prac­tic­al exper­i­ence in pro­ject man­age­ment; you know how to plan and struc­ture large pro­jects in the­ory. But you also know what real­ity looks like. With a good mix of cre­at­ive and sus­tain­able, struc­tured solu­tions, you will always reach your goal des­pite com­plex obstacles. Unfore­seen prob­lems do not shock you. They drive you and motiv­ate you to come up with clev­er ideas. The big­ger and more com­plex a pro­ject is, the more it appeals to you.

Sense For People

You are able to estab­lish a basis of trust with our cus­tom­ers and users. Your abil­ity to observe and listen and your interest in the work of oth­ers help you to do this.

Tech­nic­al Interest

To under­stand the many dif­fer­ent chal­lenges our cus­tom­ers face, you need a basic under­stand­ing of and interest in pro­duc­tion and IT sys­tems. Con­tinu­ously expand­ing your know­ledge is the basic prin­ciple of Peer­ox; we want to learn togeth­er and devel­op per­son­ally and as a team. If we do everything right, you will learn new excit­ing things every day.

Can­’t wait?

Then we would like to get to know you, and look for­ward to receiv­ing your CV via .
If you arouse our curi­osty as well, we would like to invest a lot of time togeth­er in the pro­cess of get­ting to know each oth­er.

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