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A look behind the scenes: How MADDOX is made

Import­ant suc­cess factors for a work­shop are:

  • a cre­at­ive envir­on­ment with lots of free wall space, sticky notes (Design Think­ing says hello ^^)
  • par­ti­cipants with dif­fer­ent pro­fes­sion­al back­grounds (pro­duc­tion and pack­aging machines, UX design, soft­ware devel­op­ment, psy­cho­logy, etc.)
  • mate, cof­fee, fruit and snacks

For the user MADDOX is what they see on the screen. We pos­ted already in the past from the invis­ible tech­no­logy-stack on the serv­er in the back­ground (MADDOX sys­tem archi­tec­ture, NATS as mes­sage broker). There­fore, this post out­lines the devel­op­ment of what MADDOX defines: func­tion­al­it­ies, pro­cesses, inter­ac­tions such as fields and but­tons as well as visuals.
The devel­op­ment of these core fea­tures is called UX-Design (UX stand for User eXperience).
At the begin­ning the tar­get defin­i­tion is only an idea for a prac­tic­al new func­tion­al­ity. For example, should machines stops cap­tured as an event, edited, and logged. It should be also pos­sible to delete comments.
At that stage you usu­ally face the “makes sense, we can do it; how dif­fi­cult can that be” – moment. How­ever, do not judge a book by its cover.

There­fore, the actu­al chal­lenges reveal when the idea is replayed by the user in all details and with all con­di­tions. That is the moment when cer­tain inform­a­tion or aspects sud­denly do not fit into the tab­let screen any­more. Cer­tain cases can have undefined con­di­tions, or one wrong click can cause irre­vers­ible con­sequences. Espe­cially the last case can hap­pen fast on touch devices. There­fore, we use fol­low­ing intern­al design guideline: which we call the lovely fat fin­ger syndrome.

Based on com­plex func­tion­al­it­ies we after­wards devel­op Mock-ups with Adobe XD, that can be used as click-dummy online. That helped in provid­ing a test­able Mock-Up to the cus­tom­er beside the already imple­men­ted SAP-Inter­face and to col­lect fur­ther feed­back for the development.

The fol­low­ing over­view shows a recap of many Mock-Up aspects that have been developed in the last 3 years with the UX-Design­ers of our part­ner Tyc­lipso.

How­ever, when we and our cus­tom­er are sat­is­fied with the design, work­flows and usab­il­ity that is when the actu­al devel­op­ment pro­cess starts. In weekly meet­ings we dis­cuss the require­ments, break them down into smal­ler tick­ets and will be assigned to the Front-Backend-Development.

That pro­cess res­ul­ted in 2.600 Tick­ets alto­geth­er in the last 3 years with 210 tick­ets still open and worked on. A mile­stone and release plan helps with the sched­ule. With that pro­cess in mind we try man­aging the bal­an­cing act between the flex­ible and pri­or­ity driv­en require­ments of the cus­tom­er (a com­pre­hens­ive change in the SAP-Inter­face was imple­men­ted in 1.5 weeks), a devel­op­ment roadmap and plan­ning uncer­tainty of the imple­ment­a­tion complexity.

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