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From good inten­tions to real­ity: our path to CO2 neutrality

It’s that time of year again – the begin­ning of the year – even though 8 weeks have already passed, it is still filled with good inten­tions and renewed energy. But how often have we resolved to change things, only to real­ize after a few weeks that real­ity quickly eclipses them? Wheth­er it’s set­ting unreal­ist­ic goals, such as los­ing five kilos a month, or chan­ging habits that have become stub­bornly ingrained in our every­day lives, such as giv­ing up smoking imme­di­ately – we’ve all been there. We’ve all been there.

But this time it’s dif­fer­ent. This time we have made a res­ol­u­tion that we have already suc­cess­fully imple­men­ted: We are CO2-neut­ral!🌱🎉

How did we achieve this? By set­ting ourselves the goal of off­set­ting our remain­ing car­bon foot­print back in Novem­ber 2023. By cal­cu­lat­ing our PEEROX CO2 emis­sions for the year 2023 – based on vari­ous para­met­ers such as our elec­tri­city con­sump­tion, our mobil­ity (wheth­er by pub­lic trans­port or our own car) and our beha­vi­or regard­ing food, mater­i­als and waste – we were able to determ­ine that we emit­ted 37.1 tons of CO2 in 2023.🔍

To off­set these emis­sions, we decided to work with myc­li­mate and make a con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate pro­tec­tion. By mak­ing this con­tri­bu­tion, we are sup­port­ing cli­mate pro­tec­tion pro­jects and help­ing to curb cli­mate change.🌍

Aware­ness of our own car­bon foot­print has inspired us to con­tin­ue our jour­ney towards car­bon neut­ral­ity. We are determ­ined to fur­ther reduce our emis­sions this year and max­im­ize our con­tri­bu­tion to envir­on­ment­al pro­tec­tion. In doing so, we are nat­ur­ally fol­low­ing the prin­ciple of “avoid -> sub­sti­tute -> off­set”. With regard to the first two points, our scope is unfor­tu­nately lim­ited and already largely exhausted: we don’t have com­pany cars, but job bikes and almost always take the train for busi­ness trips, our IT runs on green elec­tri­city in the cloud, cof­fee and paper are organ­ic, etc. How­ever, our offices are ren­ted, so we have no influ­ence on the heat­ing sys­tem and elec­tri­city pro­vider and can­not install photo­vol­ta­ics. There­fore, our only option at this point is offsetting. 🚲🔌


But enough about us – what about you? Have you already thrown your res­ol­u­tions for this year over­board, or are you on the right track? And more import­antly, do you know your own car­bon foot­print? 👣 It’s nev­er too late to think about it and take action to reduce it. Let’s make a pos­it­ive impact on our envir­on­ment together!

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