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Peer­ox On Air

Pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies that want to improve their plant and pro­cess effi­ciency rarely look for “self-learn­ing assist­ance sys­tems”. Rather, they are look­ing for new pos­sib­il­it­ies of auto­ma­tion. Our innov­at­ive solu­tion approach, MADDOX, as an asso­ci­ated product and the under­ly­ing strategy, must there­fore first be per­ceived as a pos­sible solu­tion. Instead of Linked­In ads & Co., we have there­fore relied on con­fer­ences, trade fairs, pod­casts, and inter­views since the begin­ning. That assures that we are able to explain our concept per­son­ally to inter­ested listeners.

The idea of a self-learn­ing assist­ance sys­tem was presen­ted to the gen­er­al pub­lic for the first time at Inter­pack 2017. The Ger­man Engin­eer­ing Fed­er­a­tion (VDMA e.V.) sup­por­ted the research approach, which until then had only exis­ted as a vis­ion. We were com­mis­sioned to take a look into the future at Inter­pack. Togeth­er with a pro­fes­sion­al film team and the sup­port of GEA Food Solu­tions Ger­many GmbH, we cre­ated a futur­ist­ic eye-catch­er. We were allowed to show this to a wide audi­ence at the VDMA booth. There, we dis­cussed it, and built up our net­work:

Visionsvideo Assistenzsystem

This is what the vis­ion of a pro­pos­al of the assist­ance sys­tem on AR glasses looked like in the 2017 video.

Shortly after our found­ing in 2019, we received an award in the digit­al tech­no­lo­gies start-up com­pet­i­tion. The award was issued by the Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­istry for Eco­nom­ic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). At the award cere­mony at the EMO in Han­nov­er, our founder Markus was inter­viewed, and briefly explained our strategy:

In July 2020 we achieved third place at the Sax­on Founder Awards. That was just in time for Peerox’s first birth­day. Con­sequently, it was a unique oppor­tun­ity to cel­eb­rate. We cel­eb­rated the pro­cess of many defeats and great vic­tor­ies in the first intense and excit­ing year with all our Peers. As a nom­in­ee we were allowed to explain our vis­ion in a pro­fes­sion­al video:

Every year, the Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­istry for Eco­nom­ic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) sup­ports start-up activ­it­ies in uni­ver­sit­ies and research insti­tu­tions.  Part of that sup­port is their “Exist Research Trans­fer” fund­ing pro­gram. We, too, received this sup­port and thus the oppor­tun­ity to expand our research res­ults. Finally we turned them into a mar­ket­able product. We were asked about this path, our plan, and the motiv­a­tion for it in an inter­view:

The search for suit­able Peers with the right hard and soft skills is nat­ur­ally also a great chal­lenge for us. Moreover, it is a fin­an­cial risk for the entire team that should not be under­es­tim­ated. This makes it all the more import­ant for us to work with exper­i­enced recruit­ing part­ners. In Ven­turi Ltd. we have found a trust­worthy, com­pet­ent part­ner. In the course of the recruit­ing pro­cess we were also giv­en the oppor­tun­ity to present ourselves and our vis­ion in our own pod­cast:

Top­ics in the video for the series “so geht säch­s­isch” were, in addi­tion to MADDOX as a product, the under­ly­ing philo­sophy and our great inter­dis­cip­lin­ary team.

The pod­cast “AI in Industry” by Peter See­berg and Robert Weber has become a firm author­ity in the field of tech­no­logy and pro­duc­tion in recent years. Mean­while, many thou­sands of listen­ers fol­low the excit­ing insights into the diverse areas of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and machine learn­ing. We already know Peter from his col­lab­or­a­tion in the VDMA’s Machine Learn­ing Work­ing Group. And we have been fol­low­ing the pod­cast as enthu­si­ast­ic fans from the very begin­ning. In the midst of the Corona crisis, we received an invit­a­tion for an inter­view about our assist­ance sys­tem, the tech­no­lo­gies behind it and our vis­ions:

At the end of 2020, we were asked by the Sax­on State Chan­cellery to present ourselves and Peer­ox as part of the series “so geht säch­s­isch”. In the short video, we provided a look into our office (=Peero) and our plans:

From the out­side the quick impres­sion is that MADDOX is essen­tially developed and dis­trib­uted by two people. After all, the same faces can always be seen. How­ever, while the CEO and CTO advert­ise their great suc­cesses full of self-con­fid­ence, in the back­ground our highly motiv­ated Peer team struggles with the real chal­lenges. This great work, team spir­it, pas­sion, and suf­fer­ing are the found­a­tion that allows the proud founders to be able to stand in the spotlight.

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