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Peers@Bikes: We’re cyc­ling, too!

Every year, the “Stadtradeln” cam­paign invites cyc­lists to com­pete, eval­u­ate their own CO2 emis­sions, and exer­cise togeth­er. Just in time for the company’s first birth­day, Team Peer­ox is at the start for the first time! We are very proud of the fact that even though we now have twelve Peers in our Peero, we occupy less than one car park­ing space on aver­age. Instead, we’ve made ourselves at home in the bike park­ing lot. We will ped­al hard and add a few more bike kilo­met­ers to our usu­al work­load over the next few days!


In the mean­time, the “Stadtradeln 2020” cam­paign has come to an end. We Peers have avoided 159 kg of CO2 in the past three weeks. Notice that we have not behaved dif­fer­ent than usu­al. If you extra­pol­ate that over the course of the year, we’ve reduced our car­bon foot­print by over 2.5 tons just by com­mut­ing by bike. This makes us so proud that we spared no expense, ink, or effort to donate the first Peer­ox-Intern­al Chal­lenge Cup.

The Golden Air Pump will be passed on each year to the Peer with the most kilo­met­ers rid­den in the city cyc­ling event.

Kilometerkurve Stadtradeln 2020

And that’s just the horizontal…additionally, our “Peero” is loc­ated about 140 meters above the Dresden city center!

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