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Sax­on Founders’ Award: After the first year, we place in the top 3 in Saxony!

In 2019 we unex­pec­tedly won the Audi­ence Award at the Sax­on Founders’ Award event. At this time we were just a few days before our found­ing. Now, we took anoth­er run at the 20th anniversary of the Sax­on Founders’ Award in 2020. This year, we wanted to con­vince not only the audi­ence but also the expert jury of the innov­at­ive power of our com­pany and its great mar­ket poten­tial. In fact, we made it into the top 15 in the first round of judging. That was remark­able because there was a record par­ti­cip­a­tion of 126 start-ups vying for the prize. Sub­sequently, FutureSax gave us the oppor­tun­ity to present our idea once again in per­son to the jury. Moreover, we had the chance to shoot an image film.

Then, on July 8, 2020, the Innov­a­tion Con­fer­ence with the award­ing of the top 3 took place. It was an online event for the first time, due to Cov­id-19. Only the nom­in­ated teams were on site. In accord­ance with our patho­lo­gic­ally optim­ist­ic atti­tudes, we took the chance and organ­ized an in-house pub­lic view­ing event on the occa­sion of our first Peer­ox birth­day, with all Peers present.

So while Markus and Andre were watch­ing the award cere­mony by Mar­tin Dulig (Min­is­ter of State for Eco­nomy, Labor and Trans­port of the Free State of Sax­ony) and Mar­ina Hei­mann (Man­aging Dir­ect­or of FutureSax) live at the Dresden Fair, the team of now 11(!) oth­er Peers were pre­par­ing a deli­cious din­ner at our Peero in RoboLab and warm­ing up.

So in dif­fer­ent places, but still togeth­er, we cel­eb­rated our young Peer­ox win­ning the 3rd place award. Back in the office, every­one cel­eb­rated until late into the night and looked back on the crazy last twelve months. A great first year, a great team, and unbroken curi­os­ity make us look for­ward to the next steps together.

Sächsischer Gründerpreis 2020, Saxon Founders' Award, Martin Dulig, Marina Heimann, Andre Schult, Markus Windisch
Sächsischer Gründerpreis 2020, Saxon Founders' Award, Martin Dulig, Marina Heimann, Andre Schult, Markus Windisch

Sax­on Founders’ Award 2020

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