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Soft­ware-Developer (m/f/d)

“Spezi without bubbles”

At Peer­ox, we focus on our employ­ees (=peers) – both our own and those of our cus­tom­ers! Pas­sion and motiv­a­tion through per­son­al devel­op­ment are inher­ent to our basic pur­pose, and we imple­ment both in our product and com­pany devel­op­ment. This requires a very spe­cial kind of per­son – and that is exactly what we are look­ing for!

What is our goal for you?

We want to make you an expert in the field of dis­trib­uted archi­tec­ture. You will devel­op fea­tures in cooper­a­tion with our developer team and turn them into pro­fes­sion­al, scal­able soft­ware. You will then be a core part of a rap­idly grow­ing com­pany and will work with us to build the neces­sary struc­tures in soft­ware devel­op­ment. Your expert­ise and tar­geted train­ing are always at the cen­ter of our atten­tion. Both are the basis for the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the Peer­ox Start-Up into a power­ful com­pany. In this con­text, you will have employ­ees at your side who will sup­port you in the imple­ment­a­tion of your ideas and tasks. Later, you will use your expert­ise and exper­i­ence to train new peers and make them (more than) good developers and a cent­ral part of our company.

Our goal is achieved when oth­er com­pan­ies are headhunt­ing you, but you still choose us again and again.

What do we need?

We need mainly your per­son­al motiv­a­tion, will­ing­ness to suf­fer a little bit, enjoy­ment of the task con­tent, and the uncon­di­tion­al will to devel­op your­self a bit more every day. In order for you to feel com­fort­able with us, you should be able to handle the free­dom, trust, and respons­ib­il­ity that we live by (more on this in our guid­ing prin­ciples).

In order to be able to help our great developer team quickly, basic hard skills are of course also neces­sary. With regard to the tech­no­lo­gies and lan­guages we use, the fol­low­ing know­ledge in the fol­low­ing areas is advantageous:

  • Lan­guages: Python, Javascript
  • Frame­works: Flask, Vue.js
  • Con­tain­er and Service-Architecturer
  • Enter­prise-Archi­tec­ture and Mes­sage-ori­ented Middleware

Oth­er skills with which you would enrich our team:

  • Domain-Mod­el­ing or Domain-Driv­en Design
  • Func­tion­al Programming
  • Exper­i­ence with DevOps
  • API-Design
  • Secur­ity

Can­’t wait?

Then we would like to get to know you, and look for­ward to receiv­ing your CV via .
If you arouse our curi­ous­ity as well, we would like to invest a lot of time togeth­er in the pro­cess of get­ting to know each oth­er.

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