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We moved: Peero 2.0 became Peero 3.0

Today we are happy to tell you about our latest devel­op­ment: our Peero 3.0 🚀.

Since Janu­ary 2020 we are ten­ants in the office build­ing of Robotron Daten­bank-Soft­ware GmbH. At that time we moved in with 7 peers. With now 17 peers in our team, includ­ing 12 per­man­ent employ­ees, it became a bit crowded in the offices. But we were lucky enough to move with­in the build­ing. 🏗️

The time finally came at the end of Septem­ber 2023: thanks to the incred­ible sup­port of our ded­ic­ated peers and the straight­for­ward help of our ten­ant, we were able to suc­cess­fully com­plete our move with­in a single day. It was true team­work that shows how ded­ic­ated and well-coordin­ated our Peer­ox team is. 👏

Our new home is now on the 2nd floor of the build­ing, and we are look­ing for­ward to gradu­ally set­tling in there. In the mean­time, we have doubled in size spa­tially. This move marks not only a new spa­tial begin­ning, but also the start of an excit­ing chapter for Peerox. 🏢

Our expan­ded spa­tial capa­city will enable us to real­ize even more ideas and con­stantly improve. Here, we have set up an extra “Phone Zone” 📞 for quiet phone calls and a “Cre­at­ive Zone” 🎨 that offers space for creativity.

We would like to sin­cerely thank all of our peers and our ten­ant for their sup­port and ded­ic­a­tion dur­ing this relo­ca­tion pro­cess. Without them, this would not have been possible. 🙌

The move marks a sig­ni­fic­ant step in our evol­u­tion, and we look for­ward to the excit­ing oppor­tun­it­ies that will open up in our new envir­on­ment. Stay tuned for more news and devel­op­ments from Peerox! 💼

Thank you for being part of our adven­ture and join­ing us on our journey! 🌟

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