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Home Office Spe­cial – Bali Edition

A work-life adven­ture report by Eric Mann. As an employ­ee (peer) at Peer­ox, you already…

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From good inten­tions to real­ity: our path to CO2 neutrality

It’s that time of year again – the begin­ning of the year – even though…

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We moved: Peero 2.0 became Peero 3.0

Today we are happy to tell you about our latest devel­op­ment: our Peero 3.0 🚀.…

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CITY CYCLING 2023 – Peers cycle again

🚴‍♂️This year we are again par­ti­cip­at­ing in the City Cyc­ling in Dresden from Septem­ber 3…

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A look behind the scenes: How MADDOX is made

Import­ant suc­cess factors for a work­shop are:

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Our review on 2021

Hav­ing suc­cess­fully mastered our first Peer­ox year in 2020, fol­lowed by a strenu­ous Corona winter,…

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We put our serv­er power to work against can­cer and the con­sequences of cli­mate change

We count on; among oth­er things against can­cer and the Africa Rain­fall Pro­ject These are…

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Chiara Westphal auf Motorrad auf dem Weg in die Workation

Home Office with a difference

A work-life adven­ture report by Chiara West­ph­al. What ini­tially went through my mind: Home Office…

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Logo Conngenial - Apfel und Birne

Found­ing Is Contagious

In con­ver­sa­tions with fam­ily and friends, it becomes clear time and again how many of…

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The first peer bike in city cycling

We were already act­ive in the city cyc­ling pro­gram last year. What has changed since…

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Peer.gewinnt Crowdfunding

Peer­ox for “Peer.gewinnt”

The 150% fund­ing rate in the crowd­fund­ing pro­ject speaks for itself. Good luck with Peer.wins!

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Visionsvideo Assistenzsystem

Peer­ox On Air

Pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies that want to improve their plant and pro­cess effi­ciency rarely look for “self-learn­ing…

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Klassischer Fehltritt/ Fehler: in einen Kaugummi treten

Our error management

If we don’t make mis­takes, we are too slow!

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Peerox-Logo im Sand

The exper­i­ment: Unlim­ited paid vaca­tion for all peers

Who has­n’t exper­i­enced this? At the begin­ning of the year, you sit down togeth­er as…

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Nom­in­a­tion for Founder of the Year

We are very happy about the nom­in­a­tion for Founder of the Year! But what does…

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Sächsischer Gründerpreis 2020, Saxon Founders' Award, Martin Dulig, Marina Heimann, Andre Schult, Markus Windisch

Sax­on Founders’ Award: After the first year, we place in the top 3 in Saxony!

In 2019 we unex­pec­tedly won the Audi­ence Award at the Sax­on Founders’ Award event. At…

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Kilometerkurve Stadtradeln 2020

Peers@Bikes: We’re cyc­ling, too!

Every year, the “Stadtradeln” cam­paign invites cyc­lists to com­pete, eval­u­ate their own CO2 emis­sions, and…

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Hardware Tools für Arbeit im Home-Office

Cov­­id-19: Think in terms of opportunities!

Office Essen­tials – so you can work anywhere.

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Where would we be without our supporters?

We are firmly con­vinced that suc­cess can only come through cooper­a­tion with the best. For…

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Become a Peer! – We are look­ing for a Stu­dent Assist­ant (m/f/d)

Stu­dent assist­ant (m/f/d) wanted in the field of IT!

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Top 50 Start-Ups Logo von Für Gründer

We are among the top 50

Prices do not make for sat­is­fied cus­tom­ers, good products or func­tion­ing busi­ness mod­els. Nev­er­the­less, we…

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The First Peer­ox Cod­ing Camp

The com­bin­a­tion of ideas from dif­fer­ent minds and know-how from dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines pro­duces real innovations.…

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Our move into the RoboLab

On Janu­ary 1, 2020, six months after found­ing our com­pany, we moved into our first…

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Lan­guage on the job – From peashoot­ers and pack­ing fingers…

Is this a “punch” or a “punch”? The tech­nic­al lan­guage used in oper­a­tions is complicated…

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Frank Thelen, Markus Windisch, Logitech Startup

Logit­ech Star­tup 2019 Winner

The first acid test of our new present­a­tion lay­out in the Peer­ox cor­por­ate design was…

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Peer­ox Found­ing Party and IVV Sum­mer Festival

“Who is the team of a Star­tUp? It’s not just the founders them­selves and, if…

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Markus Windisch nimmt Hauptpreis "Digitale Innovation" entgegen

First prize in the “Digit­al Innov­a­tion” start-up competition

We are driv­en by the appre­ci­ation of unique human cap­ab­il­it­ies as a cent­ral eco­nom­ic success…

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It’s driv­ing us: NATS – Mod­u­lar sys­tem thanks to Mes­sage Broker

We need a con­nec­tion to our elec­tron­ic shift book. But this is an in-house development……

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Inter­pack 2017

Inter­pack is the lead­ing inter­na­tion­al trade fair for pack­aging tech­no­logy and machinery and is held…

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